Trib: Suburban Pittsburgh leaders push for bicycle lanes


Suburban municipalities working to ensuring safety of all road users

10360785_338200276305166_6902346033860973876_nIt’s not just people who live in the urban centers who want great bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

Now, surrounding municipalities are following the city’s lead and taking steps to improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.  All of these improvements are part of the Active Allegheny, the plan that aims to increase bike and pedestrian access throughout the county.

Working with these projects has been a treat. BikePGH advocacy director, Eric,  has assisted in these suburban projects by acting as a consultant —  strategizing with Ross and sending in funding proposals with Shaler.

Will the suburbs eventually surpass the City of Pittsburgh as safest places for bicycling and walking? This is definitely a competition we’re excited to foster.

Bill Zlatos | Tribune Review

Emulating Pittsburgh, leaders in Ross and other suburbs hope to make their communities a safe haven for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Ross commissioners recently voted to urge PennDOT to add bike paths on a 1.2-mile stretch of Babcock Boulevard between McKnight and Evergreen roads as part of a planned repaving project.

“It’s my hope that we have bike lanes on the entirety of Babcock Boulevard and other roads through Ross Township,” Commissioner Jeremy Shaffer said. “It’s very important that Ross Township improve its bicycle and pedestrian friendliness.”
In Millvale, the borough received a grant from The Heinz Endowments to improve pedestrian and biking infrastructure. Biking enthusiasts are trying to encourage Shaler to mark its most frequently used bike paths with signs indicating that the routes are for bikes and cars.

Read the full article on the Trib website.

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