2014 Business Membership

BikePGH Business Membership


Add your business’ voice to our advocacy

Since our start in 2002, BikePGH has ushered this economic development in to Pittsburgh by advocating for the on- street infrastructure and cultural climate that values people-centric transportation. Throughout our 12 year history we have executed advocacy campaigns, education programs and community events that have engaged tens of thousands in our mission and vaulted our organization and our city into the national spotlight.

By becoming a BikePGH Business Member, your business will stand out as a leader in this movement. Your charitable contribution will support BikePGH In our mission of transforming Pittsburgh’s streets and communities into vibrant, healthy places that are safe and accessible for everyone to bike and walk.


Which Membership Level is right for your business?

business membership chart

Reach us at business@bikepgh.org


See all of our 2015 BikePGH Business Members on our Business Program homepage.

BikeFriendlyBusinessIf you’re interested in taking biking’s benefits into your workplace, and gaining national Bike Friendly Business Certification, join our Bike Friendly Business Support & Certification program. Find out more here.