Bikes, tagalongs, striders, scooters, and any other way that you and your young ones get around are welcome!
Family BikeBike Ride! at OpenStreetsPGH
Time: Start at 10:00, gathering & bike decorating starts at 9:30
Meet: 25th and Penn Ave.
Route: Stars at 25th & Penn, ends at Market Square
At this month’s Open Streets event, you and your little wild things are invited to join in a fun parade-like ride through town!
Starting at Penn and 25th Street, this family friendly ride will lead kids and their adults to Downtown along the Open Streets route. This raucous ride will go at a leisurely pace and end at Market Square, taking in the sights and sounds of the city along the way. Participants are encouraged to ride as much or as little as they would like.
Bikes, tagalongs, striders, scooters, and any other way that you and your young ones get around are welcome!
Face painting will take place before the ride, as well as a brief talk on safety. Kids and adults are encouraged to wear their helmets on this ride, and are welcome to bring noisemakers and decorate helmets and bikes!
Note: This ride is organized by Lauryn Stalter, a certified League Cycling Instructor who teaches education classes for BikePGH. Kids are required to be accompanied by a guardian on this ride.