Thurs. Aug 6: Attend the 40th St Bike Lanes Public Meeting

We need your support at this upcoming public meeting in Lawrenceville

40th St Bike Lanes Public Meeting / Thursday, August 6 / 6:30pm / Arsenal Middle School (corner of Butler and 40th)

Facebook event page

From the City of Pittsburgh:

This is to notify you that a public meeting regarding the proposed street infrastructure improvements extending from the 200 block to the 600 block of 40th St. will be held August 6, 2015, 6:30 pm at Arsenal Middle School (220 40th St.).

The City of Pittsburgh will be making roadway improvements on 40th St. between Butler St. and Liberty Ave. The improvements come in two segments:

1) From Butler St. to Penn Ave.: An uphill protected bike lane and downhill shared bike lane markings (“sharrows”)

2) From Penn Ave. to Liberty Ave.: Sharrows in both directions

The addition of an uphill protected bike lane from Butler St. to Penn Ave. will enhance traffic flow by separating slower-moving bicyclists from faster-moving automobile traffic. On the downhill side, the addition of sharrows will help alert drivers to the presence of bicycles and will promote a more positive experience for all road users. From Penn Ave. to Liberty Ave., painted sharrows in both directions will have a similar impact.

The 40th St. Corridor through Lawrenceville and Bloomfield is a major route into and out of the area for both residents and commuters. Improving traffic flow in this area for all road users will improve its safety and accessibility. Overall, this project will serve as a key connector in our city’s growing bicycle infrastructure system and will contribute to making our roads safer for everyone.


Please contact Kristin Saunders, Bicycle-and-Pedestrian Coordinator, City of Pittsburgh.
Phone: 412-393-0150

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