Penn Ave Bike Lane Data Now Available

Penn Ave bike lane data screenshot

Data Geeks Rejoice! Penn Ave Bike Count Data, Now Public

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership (PDP) has just announced that the data from the counters in the Penn Avenue protected bike lane is now being displayed on its website.

And the amount of information is impressive. The counters were installed on the 600, 900, and 1200 blocks of the Penn Avenue lane in April 2015 (the lane itself was installed in September 2014). Using the website you can see the usage data dating back to the installation of the readers through to one day prior to the present. Now imagine what these numbers would be if the Penn Ave bike lanes connected eastward and to the Point.

Now, without further ado please join the BikePGH staff in blissfully getting lost in three month’s worth of info about the Penn Avenue protected bike lane usage.

Visit the PDP’s Research and Reports page to see the data!

Regarding “car” counts in the bike lane: We were confused about that too initially, so we reached out to the PDP. We were told that the tubes work based on weight distribution and timing of depression between the two different tubes. So it’s likely kid-filled trailers, cargo trailers, pedicabs, etc. are registering as cars. Higher numbers registered on the weekend likely reflects families biking downtown with their kids in trailers.

Great blog post from Envision Downtown: Envision Downtown has penned a great analysis of the data from July: “Trip totals have continued to climb as the summer weather improves with monthly totals of 29,202 in the 1200 block up 24.14% from June and 24,696 in the 900 block up an impressive 33.75% from last month.” Check out the Envision Downtown blog post to get the full analysis.

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1 Comment

  • ErinK says:

    Any plans to release that data in csv format so we can play with it elsewhere? I only see options to download images of it.

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