Get your company involved in one of BikePGH’s events!
Email Sarah to start the conversation.
Dear Business & Community Partners:
From the start, Bike Pittsburgh has always strived to do more. In 2016, we are pursuing creative and proven strategies to make Pittsburgh a healthier, more sustainable city. We will be hosting events that will engage tens of thousands: Open Streets, PedalPGH, Bike Valet, Bike Light Giveaways and more.
We’re going to need a small army of community volunteers to make it happen.
It’s no secret that corporate volunteering strengthens work teams, boosts morale, and builds camaraderie among employees. In other words, what’s good for your community is great for your company. Benjamin Weaver, a Google Pittsburgh employee, says:
BikePGH made it easy for Google employees to get outside and engage with our community at Open Streets. Volunteering with such a great organization allowed our team to give back to Pittsburgh while bonding over our common interests. After the first Open Streets, we realized we wanted do it again – that’s how positive change happens.
I’d love to talk more about how we can position your business as the (literal) face of BikePGH’s 2016 community efforts. By giving your employees the opportunity to volunteer, you can transform both your company culture and the streets of Pittsburgh. Please reach out to me at to discuss how we can enhance the quality of life in our communities.
Sarah Quinn
Volunteer Coordinator