Find out about the developer’s plans for a new project in Lawrenceville
While it’s still unclear exactly where the Allegheny River Green Boulevard will be located, a new development may play a role in its future, as it lies within the alignment. The Allegheny River Green Boulevard is a proposed trail that connects Highland Park (zoo) to Downtown Pittsburgh. Show up on Monday to find out more about the developer’s plans for this new project in Lawrenceville.
RIDC, a regional nonprofit real estate developer, is proposing to build and own a 64,000 sq ft building on a portion of the former Heppenstall Steel Industrial site (at 47th/ Plum Way) in Lawrenceville. The new facility will offer flex office/ high-bay space targeted to robotics and high-tech tenants.
RIDC will present their plans as part of a community meeting co-facilitated by Lawrenceville United and the Lawrenceville Corporation. Please attend with questions, concerns and to provide feedback for the developer.
This meeting will take place at Goodwill’s multi-purpose room (118 52nd Street) at 6:30pm on Monday, March 7th, 2016.
If you need childcare during the meeting, please RSVP by March 4 to 412-802-7220. If you are unable to attend, you can still submit feedback on the plans by emailing
Residents can call Lawrenceville United at 412-802-7220 with any questions or concerns. Meeting notes will be posted on
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