Teach the Next Generation How to Ride


Call for Part-Time Bike Educators

Bike Pittsburgh is hiring bike instructors to teach middle and high-school age youth. Instructors will lead groups of youth on bicycle rides through the city streets and parks of Pittsburgh. Instructors will also lead students through safety exercises, creative advocacy projects and basic mechanics.

Programming occurs at various sites around the city during out-of-school time 2x/week or daily in the summer. Dates range from March 29 – August 5. Instructors are required to apply for or submit the required clearances. Experience in the following areas preferred: behavior management, roadside repair, first aid, navigation through Pittsburgh, and advocacy.

Program Dates
Spring I: March 29 – June 2 + training
Spring II: April 18 – June 13 + training
Summer: June 20 – August 5 + training
Additional opportunities available

Required Clearances
Act 34 (Criminal Record Check)
Act 114 (FBI Federal Criminal History)
Act 151 (Child Abuse History)

Time Commitment
We’re filling positions ranging from 2 to 20 hour per week.

Our instructors will be paid $15-$20 per hour our based on training and experience.

To Apply
Submit resumes & cover letters to PositiveSpin@bikepgh.org by Mar. 17, 2016

Contact PositiveSpin@bikepgh.org

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