Film Premiere & Catered Lunch at the Forum
By Duo Wang, Women & Biking Intern
Bike Pittsburgh’s Women & Biking Forum on April 2nd will feature a short film and lunch catered by Apteka, all included in your $20 registration fee.
As the wonderful women in the film The Wind in Our Hair said, “The worst day on a bike is still a pretty good day.”
The Wind in Our Hair (2015) by filmmaker Jennifer Hardacker is a great documentary presenting the many rewards of cycling. All figures, no matter what age, color, professional or not, share their true experience on a bike and spread the magic positive power of cycling.
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Bike riding could be simply about FUN.
Bike riding could be about ME, getting a sense of accomplishment, and redefining my body.
Bike riding could be about FAMILY and FRIENDS. It connects me with the world and my community.
On Saturday April 2nd, 2016, the Women & Biking Forum, you’re free to watch our The Wind in Our Hair, witnessing the biking adventures of other women and beginning your own!
At the same time, you’ll be enjoying the super yummy lunch provided by Apteka, which is a Central & EasternEuropean cuisine famous for Pierogi Night in Pittsburgh. And it is all vegan.
Not to mention, you’ll have access to six workshops and an amazing keynote speaker.
Join us at the Women & Biking Forum on Saturday, April 2nd! Hosted by BikePGH’s Spinnsters, this forum aims to inspire women to incorporate biking into their lives in the way that fits best for them, and develop strategies to break down the barriers to bicycling that specifically affect women. Women and trans* identified people welcome to this day of workshops, keynote speakers, luncheon and more!