Bike lane to be installed on One Wild Place as soon as weather permits
This just in: Highland Park is getting a new bike lane along One Wild Place.
Not only will this common sense project not result in any parking loss, the city has worked with the zoo and will actually adding parking with this project, and this project is being done in conjunction with repaving. Which is a win because bike/ped projects completed with repaving are efficient and affordable. Naturally the City would have to re-stripe the street after a repaving, so why not stripe it with a new and better design!
This kind of coordination on bike/ped infrastructure projects is a goal of the upcoming Complete Streets Policy and we’re excited that we’ll be seeing more of them in the future.
This project jives with the longer term vision for connected bike infrastructure in our city. This lane on One Wild Place will connect Highland Park to Butler St., Washington Boulevard, and Allegheny River Towns north of the city.
The One Wild Place climbing lane is also a testament to the value of neighborhood-level advocacy. This project was one of the top two projects requested by the Highland Park Bike / Ped Committee.
Thanks for your work everyone, this is going to be a wild one.
The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Pittsburgh Day of Giving is on Tuesday May 3rd, 2016! Donations made to Bike Pittsburgh on this day through will be match dollar-for-dollar thanks to the generosity of several individual member-donors. It’s a great opportunity to give and double your impact for safe streets.