Sandwich Lovers Unite
1. It raises money for the Northside Bike/Ped Committee.
This event is a fundraiser for the Northside Bike-Ped Committee, a committee of the Northside Leadership Conference that advocates for safer streets for the entire Northside. The Northside Bike-Ped Committee’s most recent accomplishment was securing bike lanes on East St, and also on a section of East Ohio Street. The funds will go to help the committee do bike trail clean-ups, support general outreach and advocacy programs, and of course a little will be used for the annual Christmas party.
2. You’re traveling by bike.
What better way to get around? Biking provides the perfect medium for sightseeing. You travel at a pace slow enough to be able to take everything in, yet fast enough to be able to cover a lot of ground. Plus you’re burning calories! So you’ll feel less bad about gobbling down some delicious specialty sandwich samples throughout the ride. Which bring us to…
3. You’ll try delicious specialty sandwiches from popular Northside restaurants.
Let’s talk samaches… Participants will eat sandwich samples from: Penn Brewery- a popular German brewery and eatery offering “ethnic-Pittsburgh” fare, Scratch Food and Beverage- a new restaurant in Troy Hill offering elegant comfort food, craft cocktails, and local beer, James Street Gastropub and Speakeasy- a bar and restaurant serving home-style food with a twist complete with a speakeasy, Chateau Café and Cakery- a café offering savory food and baked goods, and Legends of the North Shore- a restaurant which boasts the finest Italian food in the city.
4.You’ll be exploring the Northside.
How well do you know the Northside? Le Tour de Sandwich makes its way around the lower Northside, giving riders a great glimpse of what this area has to offer. Participants will go by Northside attractions such as Randyland, the Mattress Factory, and Bicycle Heaven, as well as various public art installments and monuments. Le Tour de Sandwich goes along a significant portion of the North Shore Trail, and will be going through various Northside Neighborhoods such as Chateau, Troy Hill, Deutschtown, the Mexican War Streets, Allegheny West, Manchester, and North Shore. Come see what the Northside has to offer!
5.You’re being a trendsetter.
Le Tour de Sandwich is in its second year, and it still a relatively small event. You might even go as far as to say that Le Tour is “pretty obscure” and your friends “probably haven’t heard of it”. By participating, you’re really catching it before it becomes mainstream. So grab your flannel and suspenders, slap on your daisy dukes, wax up your moustache, shoot off that ranting blog post about how your favorite band’s new stuff is ok but “their older albums were better”, hop on your fixie (or for the true hipsters, your penny farthing), and come join us.
Pledge that you’ll to pedal to work on Bike to Work Day – Friday, May 20, 2016. Bike to Work Day is the best day to give biking to work a try. Stop at one of five Commuter Cafés for free coffee on breakfasts treats and to celebrate being one of thousands of Pittsburghers who bike to work. LEARN MORE.