Update Your Voter Registration Today


Celebrate National Voter Registration Day by updating your registration right now

Don’t hesitate! Have you moved since you last voted? Have you yet to register to vote? Update or submit your voter registration today.

Now more convenient than ever, Pennsylvanians may register to vote online. To do so, you must have a state-issued ID or drivers license. If you do not, however, you may print a paper copy of the registration form and mail it to your county office, or stop by the Bike Pittsburgh office for a voter registration form.

Being an advocate for biking and walking can mean many things…electing people in to office who support biking and walking is one of them. Elected officials are responsible for creating policies and controlling funding towards bike/ped improvements, and it’s our civic duty to vote.

Want more bike lanes? Want safer street crossings? Register to vote so we can continue to affect change.

Membership is an investment in making Pittsburgh better for biking and walking. Support safer streets year-round with a monthly sustaining membership for as little as $5 per month. Your monthly gift provides a reliable source of support for all of our our programs. For more info, check out: bikepgh.org/membership

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