Positive Spinners Stop for a Group Selfie Alongside the Allegheny River.
After school mentorship program, Positive Spin, provides bicycle safety training. For these middle schoolers, that means biweekly bike rides along Pittsburgh’s most scenic routes.
In Positive Spin, we cannot help but fall in love with Autumn and the way it leaves colorful speckles all over the river trails. You can catch our students four days a week, positively smiling during the after school bike rides on the Three Rivers Heritage trail. Pennsylvania is filled with beautiful trees, and with the Positive Spin after school programs occurring so close to the river trails, students get to experience the beauty of the changing season and its reflections in the river! We think that riding along Pittsburgh’s three rivers, with its miles of connecting bike trails is one of the best ways to experience this season.
See what all the fun is about:

Positive Spinners practice on-the-road skills before going out for street and trail rides! Our middle-school riders are some of the most well-trained cyclists on the roads.
Positive Spinners are setting trends, from hi-visibility fashion statements, to showing off safe cycling practices to their peers. Students are trained in performing the ABC Quick Check every time they get back on their bikes! Want to hone up on your own skills? Check page 5 of the Urban Biking Companion: Air, Brakes, Chain, Quick Release, Check Over!
Positive Spin can incite excitement to go to school and encourage positive behavior for uninterrupted ability to participate in the program. Every season 3-5 new students learn how to ride for their very first time! With a supportive group of peers, its never too late to learn to ride! Click here to read more about Positive Spin’s recent nomination of the 100 Women Who Care ‘Impact Award’.