The Safe Routes to School National Partnership just released a Step-By-Step Walking School Bus Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to help parents, educators, and community members plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders. “This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start.”
What is a Walking School Bus?
“A walking school bus (WSB) is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel to and from school with adult supervision. Each “bus” walks along a set route with one or more adults leading it, picking children up at designated stops along a predetermined route and walking them to school. The process is reversed in the afternoons on the way home from school. It is that easy. You may find that families are already doing this with their children and would be delighted to help more students get to school in this healthy, safe, and fun way!”
Steps to Set-Up Your Own Walking School Bus (WSB):
This toolkit is authored by: Safe Routes to School National Partnership and California Department of Health.
“Communities across the nation are implementing Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs. SRTS programs improve safety conditions and increase the number of students walking to and from school. A walking school bus program can help reduce air pollution, increase the number of students walking and bicycling, and give children and adults an opportunity to get some exercise and socialize, all while getting to school on time!”