Penn Circle 2-Way Conversion Concepts: Comments needed by Nov 18

Video of the presentation

Concepts available online

The Urban Redevelopment Authority’s (URA) attempt to reverse the mid-20th-century urban renewal failure in East Liberty is entering its next phase. On Tuesday, November 1, the Urban Redevelopment Authority, with the help of the East Liberty Development Inc (ELDI), hosted a public meeting to discuss the conversion of the remaining part of the former Penn Circle, Station St and Euclid Ave, to two-way traffic.

Included in each concept were bike lanes in both directions, important because it will help connect to the existing and future bike lanes in the area.

Concept 4 may need a bit of an explanation. Since, even under best case scenarios, this project is several years away, due to the lengthy process of community input, funding, design, and construction, Concept 4 is a bit of a stop-gap measure that attempts to quickly implement some smaller interventions in order to calm traffic and begin the process of reconnecting to the city fabric.

Provide comment by November 18

Even if you couldn’t make the meeting, you can still provide comment on the project.

The URA wants hear from you regarding design alternatives for the Penn Circle Two Way Conversion currently being engineered by Parsons Brinkerhoff and the URA.

Please click the following links to see the presentation, the concept renderings, and to fill out a comment form.

  1. Presentation: PDF link or watch the above video
  2. Concept Renderings
  3. Download a comment form. If you don’t want to print it out, simply email your comments. Be sure to try and capture everything on the comment form in your email.

Please mail, email, or call with any comments to Rebecca Davidson-Wagner of the URA at, or 412-255-6588.

The comment period is open until November 18, 2016.

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