Get your hands on this new BikePGH Icon T-shirt

Sign up for BikePGH’s Monthly Membership and you’ll get our new icon t-shirt

This offer is good for new and renewing members alike!

Being a card-carrying member of BikePGH is a concrete way to show your support and commitment to contributing to a safer and more equitable Pittsburgh. Plus, whether new or renewing, a monthly membership comes with this iconic BikePGH T-shirt.

Maybe you don’t have the time to be a full-time bicycle and pedestrian advocate because you have another job or other very important responsibilities–that is OK! We’re here for that very reason. With your membership of as little as $5 per month, we can represent you and the issues you care about, bringing them to the attention of decision-makers.

This work–the bike-friendly policies, better bikeways, friendlier street crossings, and beyond–would not get done without the pressure and support that comes from the BikePGH staff, board, and its 2700 members & donors.

Join us today!


+ Your membership will always be up-to-date
+ You’ll be a year-round advocate for better, safer bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure
+ You’re contributing to improving public health, climate change, and air and water quality.
+ All the same great benefits of BikePGH’s annual membership

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