May is National Bike Month
In celebration of National Bike Month, trade in your four-seater for two wheels, and try to incorporate cycling into everyday life. May 1st will mark the start of National Bike Month and the start of nearly non-stop bike events here in Pittsburgh. Make sure to attend some of the events planned around town and stay tuned to our social media channels and as more events are added.
1. Ride your bike
The single best thing you can do to make your city better for biking and walking is to do just that: bike! Find your way around town using Version 6 of Bike Pittsburgh’s award winning Pittsburgh Bike Map. No bike? No problem! Another great feature of this map is its inclusion of all HealthyRide bike share stations throughout the city. Another great resource to start pedaling is our Biking 101, how-to-ride guide, featuring tricks, tips, suggestions, and laws to stay safe, comfortable, and legal while biking.
2. Women’s Spring Bike Maintenance Workshop
Tuesday, May 2nd
Women of all skill levels will enjoy this demonstration-based workshop. Learn how to maintain your bike for smooth spring riding and build community with other Pittsburgh women! Katharine from Kindred Cycles be demonstrating and discussing topics including:
- What to wear
- Cleaning your bike
- Lubing your chain
- Keeping your brakes and shifting in working order
- Building a bike maintenance toolkit
When: 6pm – 8pm
Where: Pittsburgh Bike Share
Price: Members: $5.00 Non-Members: $10.00
Click here to Register
3. City Cycling Family Playshop – Woods Run
Tuesday, May 9th
Family Playshop is a program presented by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (CLP) and designed for parents and children under 5 to play and learn together. Join Bike Pittsburgh at CLP – Woods Run to chat with other parents who bike with or are interested in biking with young children. Exchange information and receive printed educational resources from Bike Pittsburgh.
When: 10:30am – 11:30am
Where: CLP – Woods Run
Price: Free
Click here to Register
4. #LunchLoop
Thursday, May 11th
The #LunchLoop will feature a 30-minute bike ride starting and ending in Market Square, and traveling along Downtown’s beautiful bike lanes and riverfront trails. The philosophy of this event is no sweat, no stress. The loop is something that both avid cyclists and first-time riders can participate in without it being a serious workout.
No bike? No problem! Healthy Ride bikes will be available to use for those that need one – and it’s cheap, $2/half hour! Get going faster and create your Healthy Ride account beforehand!
When: 12pm – 12:30pm
Where: Market Square
Price: Free
Click here to register
5. Women’s Bike Ride
Tuesday May 16th
Meet at the corner of Schenley Drive and Forbes Ave in Schenley Plaza to go on a casual bike ride. We will finish the ride with food and drinks at a location TBD. Don’t forget to VOTE before coming to this ride! May 16th is the Pennsylvania Municipal Primary.
Ride Leader: Emily Stilwell
Meeting time: 6:00pm
Take off time: 6:15pm
Ride time: approx 1.5 hours
Ride distance: 10-15 miles
Pace: mellow, no-drop ride
6. Fundamentals of City Cycling
Tuesday, May 16th
Do you feel like you can use some practice? Looking to improve balance or focus on mastering a particular movement or skill? The Wheel Mill’s indoor venue, and the class’s small-group style allows participants to learn and practice city cycling skills in a controlled, protected environment.
When: 7pm – 8pm
Where: The Wheel Mill’s indoor practice facility
Price: Members: $15.00 // Non-Members: $20.00
Click here to register
7. Bike to Work Day
Friday, May 19th
Join BikePGH, Healthy Ride, UPMC Sports Med, East End Food Co op and other community partners at a Commuter Café on the morning of Friday, May 19th. BikePGH Members will receive a special edition bike bell when they show up at a Commuter Café on Bike to Work Day. This could be you! Consider joining today to secure your membership card and receive all of the great benefits of being a member. Don’t miss out on this year’s Bike to Work Day celebration!
When: 7:30am – 10:00am
Where: Schenley Plaza, Oakland or Market Square, Downtown
Take the BTWD Pledge
8. Confident City Cycling Class
Saturday, May 20
Confident City Cycling is intended for riders who know how to ride a bike, and are looking for instruction on how to operate it safely on city streets. During this class you will practice skills including: body bike separation, brake modulation, weight distribution, and quick hazard avoidance. After the on-bike skills session the class will go on a group road-ride to practice strategies for crossing big intersections, riding on fast roads, reading traffic patterns, and road conditions.
When: 7pm – 8pm
Where: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Price: Members: $10.00 // Non-Members: $15.00
Click here to register
9. City Cycling Q & A
Thursday, May 25
Whether you are a serious cyclist or new to the riding a bike, come with any bike-related question! Join us to learn about cycling safety, recent biking infrastructure upgrades and other interests. You’ll also receive a copy of the 6th edition of the Pittsburgh Bike Map!
When: 7pm – 8pm
Where: Green Tree Public Library
Price: Free
Click here to register
10. OpenStreetsPGH
Sundays: May 28th
We’re taking the streets back on May 28th. On the last Sunday of every month from May through July from 9am to 1om, OpenStreetsPGH will open a 3.5 mile stretch of our streets to people on three unique courses. You can take a car-free bike ride or walk, or participate in activities like yoga, Zumba, and dance classes offered at three activity hubs, or do them all. The event is completely FREE and open to the public. What will you do at OpenStreetsPGH? Learn more at
When: 9am – 1pm
Where: Tunnel to Town // Downtown, Uptown, South Side