Bike to these WYEP Music Events: June, July, August

Photo courtesy of WYEP

Great music lineups all summer long, free of charge.

Kicking off on Saturday, June 24th with WYEP’s Summer Music Festival, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy free live music in Schenley Plaza on the following dates. When you ride your bike, you may park for free at BikePGH’s bike valet along the Forbes Avenue side of the plaza. Bring a picnic blanket, camp chair, some snacks, and relax!

Saturday, June 24th

WYEP Summer Music Festival + I Made It! Market + Children’s activities
3:00pm to 10:00pm
Schenley Plaza, Oakland

3pm-3:30pm: Tupelo and Jeremy
3:45pm-4:15pm: The Fortunates
4:30pm- 5pm: Night Frog
6pm- 7pm: The Buckle Downs
7:30pm-8:30pm: The Marcus King Band
9pm-10:15pm: Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears

Friday, July 28th

WYEP Final Friday
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Schenley Plaza, Oakland

7-8 p.m.: Emerson Jay
8:30-9:30 p.m.: Strand of Oaks

Friday, August 25th

WYEP Final Friday
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Schenley Plaza

7-8 p.m.: Wreck Loose
8:30-9:30 p.m.: Cloud Nothings

Find our bike valet here

BikePGH’s bike valet operates like a coat check. We’ll tag your bike with a unique number and give you a matching ticket as your receipt. This is a great way to park your bike in spaces where permanent bike racks are limited for major events like the WYEP music festivals.


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