Inspiring & Informative, this year’s sold-out event was filled with empowering energy
Keynote Speaker Anna Schwinn addressed inequities in the cycling community and how each and every one of us can work harder to look at our blind spots and not ignore people of color, transgender people, and women.
Anna not only offered words of wisdom during her opening speech, but also throughout the entirety of the forum, talking to anyone who wanted to chat about her experiences, her take on women’s rights in the world, and her challenges in life.
“I’m always looking for ways to help, because I think cycling will save the world,” – Anna Schwinn

A rejuvenating morning with YogaRoots On Location to center ourselves for a big day.

First Sessions: Snacks and Story Telling

Photo by Alexandria Shewczyk
Carola van Eck, MD PhD, of UPMC Sports Medicine started us off with some helpful advice on how to stay hydrated and prevent injuries. Christina Joy Neumann of Apoidia Apiary then after provided us with a number of snacks (recipes included) to keep us energized and healthy while cycling in our, “Make Your Own Trail Snacks + Cycling Nutrition” session!

Photo by Alexandria Schewczyk
Dr. Carrie Tippen created a welcoming environment for us to share our personal stories, inviting us to hear her’s first and providing a helpful template for finding our voices. One of the best parts of this session was hearing from other womxn and non-binary people about why they want to share their stories–it was heartwarming and inspirational!
Second Sessions: Camping and Racing

Photo by Emily Kane
In our second session, our very own Jane Runyan helped give an introduction to camping by bike. From sleeping bags to skillets, we learned what the absolute necessities are to have a successful camping trip!

Photo by Emily Kane
From left to right, Alexandria Shewczyk, Elise Moore, Monica vanDieren, Carley Young, and Megan Sybeldon, lead a panel on an introduction to bike racing! We talked about Triathlons, Off-road, Randoneuring, BMX, and Road racing.
A delicious lunch – Thanks, Alcosan!

Photo by @rmlirette on Instagram
We then broke for lunch, where The Ace Hotel’s Whitfield served us a delicious meal, all sponsored by our bike-friendly neighbors: Alcosan. During our lunch hour we watched several short films about women and biking.

Photo by Julie Mallis
Third Sessions: Fix-a-Flat and Diagnosing Bike Problems

Photo by @kblackburn12 on Instagram
Up next, we had our “Fix-A-Flat” seminar, led by Katie Blackburn and other members of Women & Queer at Free Ride! Attendees got the chance to try their hand at changing a tire–next time they get a flat they’ll be rolling again in no time.

Photo by Alexandria Shewczyk
Karen Brooks–BikePGH Board Member and one of WMNBikePGH’s first instructors–walked us through how to diagnose problems with your bike! Squeak? Creak? Squeak/Creak?…we talked through them and all the possibilities and how to address them.
Post Forum Rides #wmnbikepgh
After the forum, those who wanted to participate were welcomed to join in on a ride through East Liberty, Shadyside, and Highland Park! Don’t fret if you missed out on the ride or didn’t want to face the cold–we have a number of WMNBikePGH group rides throughout the rest of 2018!
Next-Day City City Cycling Class

Photo by @wheelalright on Instagram
The day after the forum was also spent with a ride, this one being our first Confident City Cycling class of the season!
Also on the Sunday after, everyone in attendance was given a chance to reflect back on the forum day. From our BikePGH employees to Pittsburgh cycling enthusiasts, everyone to have an incredibly positive experience at this year’s forum.

Photo by @callmeaceinsta on Instagram

Photo by @wheelalright on Instagram

Photo by @_emilykane on Instagram

Photo by @skipdip on Instagram
Thanks to those who shared their photos and feedback with us! We hope to see you at next year’s forum, or at an upcoming ride!