Three ways to let City Council know you support a more livable riverfront
The City of Pittsburgh’s Department of City Planning is in the process of changing how the neighborhoods along the riverfronts are zoned through a Riverfront Zoning Amendment, better known as “the RIV.” These areas were historically zoned as industrial areas, but times have changed. The Amendment will designate these areas with special rules that better reflect and support the current use and demand along the rivers, like housing, stormwater management, green space and trails.
So far, the RIV has been approved by the Planning Commission, and is now on its way to Pittsburgh City Council.
While there is a lot to celebrate about these recommended Riverfront zoning changes, there are specific features of the RIV that can greatly improve biking, walking, and livability in general.
Connectivity is a key element in making sure it is easy, safe and convenient for people to choose walking and biking. The RIV helps enshrine connectivity as a valuable asset. Our riverfront trail system has changed how Pittsburghers get around, stay active, and reduce our carbon footprint. They have become an important part of what makes Pittsburgh an attractive place to live, visit, and set up business. However, there are many gaps that reduce their utility as a safe, affordable way to get around. Ensuring the connectivity of our ever expanding trail system is integral in making sure that more Pittsburghers have access to this incredible resource.
Incentives for affordability and trail development We support the incentives for enhancing affordable housing. Additionally, we support incentivizing access to the riverfront, as well as for trail development or updating existing trails to new standards.
Parking Minimums Cutting the parking minimum in half, and making the current parking minimum the new parking maximum, will make these places less car centric and car dependent, and enhance space for living, working, and shopping, instead of just the storing cars. Limitations on the placement and amount of surface parking will further make the riverfronts more walkable and connected to their surrounding neighborhoods.
Transportation Management We support transportation management plans for all development projects that meet the thresholds for Site Plan Review or the Planning Commission when it is anticipated that a project may have substantial impacts on the City’s comprehensive transportation network. In the spirit of the Complete Streets Policy, these changes should also enhance biking and walking.
City Council Public hearing
On Tuesday June 5, City Council will hold a public hearing about the RIV. There are several ways you can support this zoning change.
- Call or write your City Council Person
- Attend the hearing on June 5 at 2pm in City Council Chambers
- Sign Riverlife’s petition for City Council to vote YES on the RIV
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