BikePGH believes everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike
Jason, 17, from Lincoln-Lemington, didn’t have much experience riding bikes before he signed up for BikePGH’s after-school program at Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Obama Academy.
Donor support made it possible for 489 students to learn how to ride bikes in our after-school program last year. Click here to donate today and your gift will go twice as far thanks to a dollar–for–dollar match.
A note from Jason:

When I signed up for BikePGH’s after school class, I didn’t expect to learn so much, from basic bike maintenance and repairs to mapping safe routes around the city.
I learned new things that I didn’t know before, became friends with students I’d never met before, and as the program went on, I felt like I joined a family of bicyclists.
Over the summer, I even signed up to be a BikePGH educator, teaching 6th to 8th grade students at University Prep in the Hill District. I loved introducing others to biking and how exciting it is, and passing on what I learned. It’s an experience I’ll never forget.
Jason Thomas
BikePGH Educator
Your gift today will help more students like Jason have unforgettable experiences on bikes, and encourage more youth to incorporate bicycling into their lives.
Dollar-for-Dollar Match: Click here to Double your Gift!
PS. Support educators with $10, $100, or $500 right now and your donation will be matched. These funds will let us reach more Pittsburgh youth with our Positive Spin curriculum. Click here to Donate.