Comment on proposed Second Ave bike, pedestrian, and transit improvement projects by Friday, May 24

It’s not too late to leave comments

As previously reported, Second Avenue, between 10th Street in Uptown to the intersection with SR 837/885 in Hays, is undergoing a Multimodal Corridor Study. This collaboration between the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC), PennDOT, the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and the Port Authority, seeks to create a shared vision plan between the neighborhoods along Second Ave that focuses on multimodal access, mobility and livability.

The top 4 goals of the project are to: (1) decrease single-occupancy vehicle trips, (2) provide mobility services and facilities, (3) encourage biking with a complete trail network and (4) increase the use of transit and other modes of transit progressions in the corridor.

A sample of the proposed project ideas to comment on

SPC recently unveiled a list of potential projects at a recent public meeting, and are looking for feedback. Ideas range from making much needed trail or sidewalk connections to improving and/or creating transit to meet current and future needs, to even a new bridge across the Monongahela River to Becks Run Rd.

It goes without question that many of the proposed projects are important steps toward the ultimate goal of creating a seamless network for biking, walking, and transit. The feedback will help prioritize the list, and gauge interest in the ideas.

There are two ways to comment on the plan and the ideas.

  1. Take the Survey. This will allow you to rate the ideas, and provide additional feedback.
  2. Mapping! Tell the team what your current issues are, and make more suggestions for the future.

The survey will be open until Friday, May 24th, 2019

1 Comment

  • paulheckbert says:

    And we need Duck Hollow Trail repaired, and extended to connect with trails through Hazelwood! And connected to the Glenwood Bridge!

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