Parking Protected Bike Lanes: a win-win that gets people where they need to go safely – without impacting parking
Pennsylvania’s streets could be safer, more equitable, and better designed with a simple fix to our state Vehicle Code. Due to a technicality that requires cars to be parked within 12 inches of a curb, our traffic engineers cannot install Parking Protected Bike Lanes on state-owned roads.
Parking Protected Bike Lanes are just one tool used all over the country to keep people on bikes out of harm’s way. It’s a simple and safe design that moves parked vehicles away from the curb, allowing for a bike lane between parked cars and the sidewalk, completely separating of bikes from moving traffic, while usually preserving parking.
Parking Protected Bike Lane projects are on hold in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, York, and Philadelphia due to this language in the vehicle code–these are projects that could save lives.
There is currently a bill in the Pennsylvania Senate that can change this, but it hasn’t moved beyond their Transportation Committee, despite nearly unanimously passing the PA House.
Come out on Sunday, September 8 and see, ride and experience a Parking Protected Bike Lane for yourself!
On Sunday, September 8, between 1pm and 3pm, a coalition of advocates alongside City and State officials will install a temporary Parking Protected Bike Lane demonstration along N. Euclid Ave in East Liberty. A bike ride to the demonstration will meet at the Kingsley Association at 1:00pm. The demonstration site was picked because it is not only wide, but the URA plans to convert a section of N Euclid Ave (former Penn Circle) from a one-way street to a two-way street, and include Parking Protected Bike Lanes.
Organizers of the Parking Protected Bike Lane demonstration project include PA Representative Sara Innamorato, City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, Bike Pittsburgh, Healthy Ride, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority. Both the Mayors of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, as well as their City Councils, have requested that the Pennsylvania Legislature pass the bill to give their traffic engineers the flexibility necessary to keep residents safe.
Demonstration Project: 1:00pm-3:00pm, N Euclid Ave, between Station St and Broad St.Ride: 1:00pm – Meet at Kingsley Association Parking Lot, 6435 Frankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. We’ll take a short, flat ride to the demonstration site and end at the Garland Parklet.
1 Comment
I plan to skate this event. Skaters support protected bike lanes! Three Rivers Inline Club.