How do you envision Penn Ave?
The City is beginning the planning for the Phase II reconstruction of Penn Ave between Evaline St. and N. Graham St. This section of roadway lies in one of Pittsburgh’s busiest areas and is the diving line between three neighborhoods: Bloomfield, Garfield, and Friendship.
This Thursday, February 6, the City invites residents and concerned citizens to weigh in on its plans for the 4 block section of Penn Ave. As a major connection to downtown and points east, while also functioning as a neighborhood street, this section of Penn Ave. has major room for improvement.
The City will present their plans and take comments and input from the public. We encourage as many people to come out and to give feedback about the traffic plans, pedestrian safety, bicyclist safety, and transit issues. Come and be an active part of the planning process for the streets that shape our lives and how we get around.
It should also be noted, that while the reconstruction will only affect the design of four blocks, the construction process of the street will affect all traffic along the route.
Meeting Details:
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Location: Pittsburgh Glass Center, 5472 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Facebook Event:
For more info:
Eric Setzler, PE, Project Manager
City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure
412-255-2883 or
The meeting facility is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). In addition, if you or an individual with whom you are familiar does not speak English as their primary language and who has a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English desires to participate in this meeting or if you require special assistance to attend and/or participate in this meeting or need additional information please contact the number above.
Want to get more involved with making Pittsburgh better for biking and walking? Become a bike/ped advocate. There are over 20 neighborhood bike/ped committees across the City and surrounding municipalities.
You can find a complete list of them here. You can always start your own committee too! Email for more information.