July 8: Allegheny Circle Two-Way Conversion (Virtual) Public Meeting

A photo showing seven bicyclists riding in the Allegheny Commons bike lanes during Pedal Pittsburgh
Allegheny Circle bike lanes during PedalPGH, before the bollards were installed

A chance to provide input to improve the bike lanes in the proposed street design

Back in 2017, during phase one of redesigning the urban renewal era Allegheny Commons ring road, the City’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) installed a two-way protected bike lane along the interior, with the motor vehicle lanes remaining in a single counter-clockwise direction.

The City's rendering of the proposed alignment of Allegheny Commons, with a two-way bike lane in the interior, and two directions of cars in the outer lanes, with parking in the northern half
Proposed two-way conversion of Allegheny Commons

Proposed Changes

They are now entering phase two of the redesign, and are proposing to turn the motor vehicle lanes into a two-way street as well. This work will include signal upgrades, pavement markings, delineation, signing, removal of concrete islands, and a reconfiguration of intersections.

DOMI is hosting an online public meeting on Wednesday, July 8th from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. The meeting will be hosted on Zoom, streamed on YouTube, and posted on YouTube shortly thereafter.

At the meeting, they plan to discuss the (1) current project design, (2) removal of on-street parking, (3) school loading for Allegheny Traditional Academy, (4) anticipated construction schedule, and (5) future notifications regarding construction activities.

Additionally, this is a great time to provide feedback to improve the bike lanes, for instance at the locations where you see vehicles frequently parked in them, or any other issues.


Wednesday, July 8th from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Register: Register for the meeting by clicking here.
Read: Read the Project Factsheet (pdf)
Feedback: Fill out the project survey form, or contact 311. They will be accepting comments until July 24, 2020.
Additional Info: Visit Allegheny Circle on the DOMI website to view the latest information.

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