Parking Protected Bike Lanes need one more vote in the State Senate

We’re Almost there! Please email your State Senator asking for the final Senate Vote

Along with advocates across the Commonwealth, we’ve been pushing the Pennsylvania legislature to allow for Parking Protected Bike Lanes on state roads. Due to a technicality in the PA Vehicle Code that requires cars to be parked within 12 inches of a curb, our traffic engineers cannot install Parking Protected Bike Lanes on state-owned roads. Senate Bill (SB565) is mere steps away from passing, but we need one more push to take it across the finish line. Meanwhile, similar bill has already passed the PA House 200-1, but we need to get this one through the Senate.

Sponsored locally by Pennsylvania Senators Jay Costa, Wayne Fontana, and Lindsey Williams, the legislation for better streets for Pennsylvania’s bicyclists and pedestrians has been through many runs in the state House and Senate. Along with advocates such as the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and Healthy Ride, as well as several elected officials such as Representative Innamorato, Pittsburgh City Council and Mayor Peduto’s Office, we’ve pushed hard for this bill’s passing, even hosting a Parking Protected Bike Lane demonstration and bike ride last year.

Setting up the demonstration project on Penn Circle

Having now passed the state House, the Senate Transportation Committee, and the Senate Appropriations Committee, the SB565 needs a vote in the full Senate before it can be sent back to the House for concurrence votes, then signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf.

But, as with anything we advocate for within government, change doesn’t just happen. It takes advocates — like you — calling your representatives and demanding that change.

Can you take a moment to email your senator and ask that SB565 come up for a vote on the Senate floor?

It only takes a minute, and we’ve set up a portal that allows you to easily find your senator then send them a message.

Find your senator and send a message now.

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