How We’re Moving Forward on the City’s new Bike(+) Plan

By now you’ve probably seen the ads

More Safety. Less Stress. More Clarity. Less Confusion. 

These ads have been plastered on billboards, online, on radio, on bus stops, and even on buses themselves.

You’re then directed to visit the website,

What is MoveForwardPGH?

MoveForwardPGH is a program that is bringing Pittsburgh’s freshly minted Bike(+) Plan to life. This is the City’s first bicycle master plan since 1999, and is focused on increasing network connections for those on bikes and other low-speed devices. The plan recommends over 120 miles of new or enhanced bicycle connections to improve Pittsburghers’ access to work, school, shopping, and recreational opportunities. With MoveForwardPGH the City has pledged to rapidly implement the plan adding 50 miles of new and improved bikeways in Pittsburgh over the next two years.

Through a collaboration among BikePGH, the City of Pitttsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI), and Healthy Ride Bike Share, the ambitious MoveForwardPGH program aims to inject energy into the City’s brand new Bike (+) Plan and install much-needed traffic calming and bike infrastructure in order to make our streets safer and less stressful for everyone, including drivers.

Additionally, we’ve secured funding and assistance from the national organization, PeopleForBikes, to help market the effort to help Pittsburghers understand why these changes are necessary. So far, we’re happy to report that in only a few months, we’ve seen 2.9 million impressions and 980,000 video views on the local campaign.

The team has been working over the summer on several projects across the city, such as Neighborways on Reynolds Street, Coral/Comrie and N Euclid St, Brighton Rd Bike Lanes, and a trail along Washington Boulevard, among others.

Things like traffic calming, bike lanes, and better crosswalks are always important, and are needed now more than ever as people are looking for safe ways to get around, and the current street layout is often confusing and incomplete.

There is a genuine fear that, once the economy gets going again, more people than ever will be driving, and we’d like to make sure that biking and walking to essential destinations like grocery stores, transit, and employment centers is as safe as possible.

Adding clarity to our streets will help everyone; whether you walk, drive, ride a bike, roll in a wheelchair, or simply want drivers to slow down on your street.

Please take a look at the MoveForwardPGH website to find out more and sign up for updates.

Interested in listing your organization as a supporter of MoveForwardPGH?

We’re currently looking for local organizations to sign on as supporters of the principles and goals of MoveForwardPGH. Click here for more information.

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