How to use climbing lanes and why we have them here in Pittsburgh
Have you ever seen roads where there is a bike lane on one side and not the other? Was this road on a hill? You’re likely looking at a climbing lane.
They’re a simple and effective tool for helping bicyclists safely maneuver through our streets, especially here in Pittsburgh with our many hills.
You can find climbing lanes throughout Pittsburgh including on Marshal Ave, 40th St, and One Wild Place.
Cycling Tips: Climbing Lanes
A Climbing Lane is…
Simply put, a climbing lane is a bike lane on an uphill road. You’ll often see roads with only a bike lane on the uphill side.
When riding uphill use the climbing lane. Usually, people riding a bike move slower when pedaling uphill and may need extra space to maneuver.
People riding bikes going downhill naturally travel faster. This means it is easier to keep up with traffic so they’re encouraged to share the lane with cars.
Never ride downhill on a climbing lane. You’ll be riding on the wrong side of the street. It’s both dangerous and illegal.
Simple enough!
Now that you understand why we have climbing lanes and how to use them, share these tips with a friend.