Provide input to the Hill District Master Plan
The City of Pittsburgh is working with the Hill District community to update and adopt the Greater Hill District Master Plan from 2011 and help make the vision in that plan a reality. The plan area generally includes the neighborhoods of Crawford-Roberts, Middle Hill, Terrace Village, Bedford Dwellings, Upper Hill, and the Lower Hill.
Community leaders, residents, and other stakeholders completed the original Hill District Master Plan in 2011, setting forth a number of community goals, program initiatives, and urban design proposals. The final document includes provisions for improved streetscapes, new development, transportation infrastructure, urban agriculture, and local cooperative programming. This initial plan outlined development principles, non-displacement strategies, and reclamation goals for the Lower Hill in addition to the aforementioned program and urban design initiatives.
They are in the process of updating this plan and are forming an Action Team focused on Mobility.
The first meeting for the Mobility Action Team is on Tuesday, December 14 at 6:00pm on Zoom.
Click here for more info and to join the Action Team.
You can also add comments to the Plan’s WikiMap to help identify areas of concern in regards to mobility.