BikePGH and DOMI partnership installed 407 bike racks and 10 corrals over 2 years

Bike Parking for the People!

On top of ensuring the streets are safe to ride in, it’s also important that riders have a safe place to secure their bike once they reach their destination.

Since our founding, BikePGH has been working closely with the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to install bike racks in neighborhoods and business districts throughout the city. In fact, it was our first advocacy effort.

You may have noticed more bike racks sprouting up around town. Over the past two years, this partnership has installed a large number of new bike racks to ensure that customers can securely lock their ride while they are shopping or patronizing local businesses.

407 new bike racks, 10 new bike corrals

Over the past two years, a partnership between BikePGH and DOMI has installed 407 new bike racks and 10 new corrals in business districts across the city. From Homewood to Beechview and everywhere in between, people riding bikes now have even more secure places to lock up.

Many of these racks were placed with the help of local community groups as well as Bicycle and Pedestrian Committees. These groups proved integral in helping reach out to businesses and explain why convenient bike parking would help attract more customers.

Map of bike racks and corrals installed 2021-2022

Additionally, ten bike corrals were also installed within business districts and parks. Bike Corrals are a group of racks located on the street (usually in a parking space) instead of on the sidewalk. They are used in locations that see a higher demand for bike parking. Many times, the corral is located in a way to prevent a vehicle from illegally parking near a curb, giving drivers the added benefit of better sight lines.

Many of the racks were also placed in locations where a resident sent a 311 request for bike parking. Local knowledge helps reveal the missing gaps in bike parking, so we encourage everyone to submit locations where they’d like to see more bike parking!

It’s not too late to request racks. This DOMI + BikePGH partnership will continue in 2023 as we have roughly 100 more racks to install.

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