Growing our kickass WMNBikePGH community

✨BikePGH’s Women and Non-Binary Program is inclusive of trans and cis women, intersex people, non-binary, genderqueer, agender and gender variant folks, as well as those whose gender identity falls outside of the dominant conceptions of gender.

Here are the things we have planned for you in 2023!

Save the dates

  • ❄️ Every Tuesday in January / February we’re bringing back the free Winter Yoga Series at Open Up Pittsburgh! See the dates and register here.
  • 🚲 March through August we’re hosting more group rides & meetups! Group rides will happen the second week of the month (excluding July 4th). Exact locations & times TBA.
    • March 9th (Thurs)
    • April 11th (Tues)
    • May 13th or 14th (TBD)
    • June 8th (Thurs, ice cream ride!)
    • July 12th (Weds)
    • August 11th (Tues)
  • 🏕️ September 17th – 18th will be our Third Annual GAP Trail Camping Trip
    • RAIN DATE: Saturday, September 23 – Sunday, September 24th
  • 🔟 October 7th is BIG – It’s the 10th Annual Women and Non-Binary Bike Summit

We need your input!

What kind of workshops and meetups do you want to see in 2023? If you have any feedback or ideas, please share them in our Facebook group!

Having the support of our members is so important in achieving BikePGH’s mission, please join or donate today so we can continue doing this important work and offering programs like this!

Sign up for our newsletter

Want to stay updated on all of our programming? Be sure to sign up for our e-newsletter:

Other BikePGH events to keep on your radar

May: OpenStreetsPGH – Last Weekend in May (exact day TBA)
June: OpenStreetsPGH – Last Weekend in June (exact day TBA)
July: OpenStreetsPGH – Last Weekend in July (exact day TBA)
August: PedalPGH – Sunday, August 27th

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