A Fun-Filled Walk & Roll to School Day -Oct 11

Check out our recap and learn how active transportation can fit into your family’s school schedule

Walk and Roll to School Day promotes active transportation and safe routes to school across the country. Here in Pittsburgh, schools celebrate the occasion every May and October with Walking School buses, Bike Trains, and other events to encourage active transportation in a safe, visible, and fun way. What’s a Walking School Bus or Bike Train (also called a Bike Bus)? Check out our blog to find out more and learn how to start your own.

To celebrate the occasion this October, BikePGH hosted a bike train and walking school bus from Friendship Park to PGH Montessori K-5 along with parents and students from the school. We enjoyed donuts, warm beverages, and good conversation on a beautiful Autumn morning before walking and rolling to school. The abundant smiles and laughter among parents and students alike proved that this spin on the morning commute was a hit. Thank you to PGH Montessori parents and staff for your support in encouraging active transportation, and to our BikePGH staff for helping to conduct.

Elsewhere in Pittsburgh, Mayor Ed Gainey joined Pittsburgh Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Harriet Jackson, to walk students to school at Langley K-8 in Sheraden. As Mayor Gainey said on his Facebook page, “I’m grateful to the kids for letting me join them on their walk to school, to the parents and teachers there to keep them safe, and to the crews out there laying concrete in real-time. It takes all of us to make a city that’s safe, welcoming, and thriving, and Pittsburgh is lucky to have so many people committed to that common goal.” We’re appreciative of his commitment to safe active transportation for Pittsburghers of all ages and we’re grateful to the City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure Safe Routes to School program for leading the way on this vital work.

Mayor Ed Gainey (second from left) and Harriet Jackson (third from left) walk with students, parents, and staff to PGH Langley K-8 School. Photo courtesy of Mayor Ed Gainey’s Facebook page.

Did your school community do something special to celebrate walking, biking, or rolling to school this fall? Let us know in the comments or send us a message at education@bikepgh.org.

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