Education at BikePGH would not be possible without our network of dedicated educators who teach classes, assist at events, work with schools and communities, and give private lessons. We created the Educator Spotlight Series to highlight these individuals and the incredible work they do to promote and teach cycling in the community.
Learn about Peg and Elise’s leadership and experience in education

What is your name and preferred pronouns?
Peg Schmidt (She/Her) & Elise Yun (She/Her)
Do you represent a club or organization? Tell us about it!
Peg and Elise own Peony Women’s Bike Tours. Peony is a small bike tour operator located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We offer short & overnight tours which are designed for women who are interested in becoming confident touring cyclists. In addition, we provide education on how to prepare for a bike tour. This includes how to prepare your body as well as your equipment.

What kind of bike education do you specialize in? Do you focus on a certain population or community?
Our focus is to educate women on touring. We start each season with an “Intro to Touring” ride. We provide each rider with weekly emails, detailing bike and equipment needs, clothing, weather preparedness, packing advice, and how to prepare your body for a bike tour. Additionally, we talk about what is required to ride safely with others, on a trail and a multi-day tour. One week prior to the tour, we meet with our riders to assess equipment and gear, answer any questions that haven’t been addressed & include a short ride so that riders get the feel of riding with weight on their bikes.
“We both enjoy teaching, coaching and learning from others. But, we especially enjoy seeing women gain self-confidence in bike touring!”
Peg and Elise
How long have you been a bike educator and how did you get involved with bike education?
Informally, a long time! As a company, two years. We both gained knowledge in bike education as a result of our own biking & touring experience. Also, we have learned a great deal from just talking to other cyclists and touring cyclists.
Do you give private lessons – how should students contact you?
We do not offer private education, however, we offer presentations on topics such as basic bike maintenance, bike tour planning, and bike camping. We also offer individualized tour planning assistance. For any of these services, we can be contacted via our Facebook page or on our website here.
What is one piece of advice you give new bike riders?
Understand the rules of the road to keep you safe. For instance, be mindful when riding in traffic and use bike lanes whenever possible. Ride with the flow of traffic and make eye contact with drivers before you turn or change lanes. Also, ensure you have proper lighting when riding at dawn, dusk, or in the evening. Last, always WEAR A HELMET! For those new to touring, there is a lot of assistance available online, however, it’s always good to start with a day trip or an overnight. No matter how much you read and prepare, the best learning happens while doing. Get on out there and try it!
What advice would you give aspiring bike educators?
Share what you know and how you learned it. Sharing knowledge is crucial for facilitating collaboration, creating a community, and building stronger relationships. Peony’s mission has always been to build a community of confident female touring cyclists.
What has been your favorite experience in bike education?
We both enjoy teaching, coaching, and learning from others. But, we especially enjoy seeing women gain self-confidence in bike touring!

Where is your favorite place to ride in Pittsburgh?
Peg: Hazelwood Green. I really enjoy the history of that neighborhood, the reinvention of it, and the closeness of the river.
Elise: hmm this is a tough one. In 2020, Peg and I did a virtual bike ride across America. Basically, we rode around Pittsburgh, logged our miles online, and watched our token go across the country. We got a chance to see so many unique bike-friendly areas that Pittsburgh has to offer it is hard for me to pick just one!
Do you have a favorite bike currently or from the past? Why is it your favorite?
Peg: Jamis Aurora. This bike is built for the long haul! It is a comfortable dependable bike that rides well when loaded. It has a steel frame, and 3 x 9 gearing and I ride it with 32 mm tires. It handles well on both trails and roads. It gets me up most hills, even when fully loaded.
Elise: Gravel Specialized Diverge. I LOVE..LOVE..LOVE this FAST and SPUNKY bike! It is lightweight, sturdy, and versatile for my type of riding. Although it can be used on gravel, I typically use it for city riding and touring on the road or rail trails.
What’s your favorite riding snack?
Peg: I like to snack on granola bars, fruit, nuts, and energy chews. I also carry salt tablets or some kind of electrolyte replacement because I sweat a lot.
Elise: Anything salty; especially Doritos, pretzels, or pickles.
Anything else you’d like our community to know about you?
If you are new to touring, are considering a bike tour but need help planning, or are just looking for fun women to ride with, check out Peony Women’s Bike Tours.

Editor’s Note:
BikePGH is fortunate to have Peg and Elise’s recurring support as presenters, ride leaders, and contributors to our WMNBikePGH program’s summit, rides, and other events. Be sure to keep up with the adventures of Peony Women’s Bike Tours!
You can also earn more about our WMNBikePGH program here.
Would you like to be featured or know another educator who should be? Let us know by emailing If you’re looking for more information on classes and lessons, visit our Education page.