VIDEO: Take a tour of the new protected bike lanes of the Penn Circle conversion project

Latest project ratchets up Pittsburgh’s bike infrastructure game

Since 2016, we’ve been engaging in the process of the URA’s Penn Circle conversion project, an important change that will help reverse the misaligned and damaging car-oriented planning of the ’60s “urban renewal” era. The project aims to knit the neighborhood back together by turning the four lane single direction highway through the heart of East Liberty into a two-way street, with fantastic protected bike lanes, protected intersections, and other bicycling and pedestrian improvements.

Map shows the extents of this phase of the Penn Circle conversion project and adjacent streets
Over 8,000 ft of new protected bike lanes and protected interesections were added to this corridor, helping create a bicycle network in East Liberty

We previously published a sneak peek of the project back when construction was starting to take shape. Complete details can be seen on the City’s Engage Page.

The Penn Circle conversion, and brand new protected bike lanes are now open for business, and we thought you’d enjoy a tour of the new bicycling features before going out and riding them yourself!

At the intersection of N Euclid and Station is a protected intersection that allows people on bicycles to continue their momentum without needing to stop at the signal.

Euclid Ave at Penn Ave

Many road features such as slip lanes, that should only exist on a highway, have been removed in favor of improving the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.

This project has been nearly 10 years in the making and also would not have happened without BikePGH’s advocacy. Every day, we’re helping to make Pittsburgh safer for people who bike, walk, and roll. Join us!

Another protected intersection at Penn and S Euclid assists left turns for people on bikes, while reducing the chances of right hooks.

BikePGH Advocacy Manager, Seth Bush pointing at the freshly painted protected intersection at Penn Ave and S Euclid Ave

A small but useful change at the end of Friendship Ave at Euclid. A new contra-flow bike lane and exclusive bike signal makes for more intuitive connections to Penn Circle from the surrounding neighborhoods.

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