Coach Sam Balto Is Inspiring Thousands to Bike to School—And You Can Too!

Sam Balto, foreground, is a smiling man with a dark beard, black helmet, and bright yellow safety vest. Behind him is over fifty children and adults astride bicycles on a road getting ready to bike to school.

Attend our FREE Virtual Event to Learn how to Start a Bike Bus in Your School Community, in Pittsburgh and beyond

With hundreds of kids biking to school in Portland, Oregon and millions more inspired by his work worldwide, Coach Sam Balto is the preeminent voice in getting kids, families, and the occasional pop star to ride bikes.

On March 18th, we’re thrilled to bring The Coach to Pittsburgh virtually to share some inspiration and stories with our community. In our free webinar, learn Coach Balto’s tips and tricks to get the bike bus movement started in your school community. Learn about BikePGH’s brand new Bike Bus How To Guide and Bike Bus Resource Package. Our guide simplifies the process of starting a bike or walking bus and our resource package provides your community with the supplies and support it needs to get rolling.

When: Tuesday, March 18, 2025: 7:00 – 8:00 pm EDT via Zoom:

COMING SOON: The BikePGH Bike Bus How To Guide!

Available as an easy to share one-pager and website, the BikePGH Bike Bus How To Guide helps parents, school staff, and volunteers organize bike and walking buses to their school community. Our guide makes planning your bus easy and shares the best practices to keep kids safe while biking or walking to or from school.

A fair-skinned adult man wearing a bright safety vest waves while riding a bicylce. Behind him are children and parents riding bikes on a city street.

Apply for a Bike Bus Resource Package

Thanks to support from People for Bikes, BikePGH is now offering a resource package for up to five school communities. Each Bike Bus Resource Package can include up to:

  • 10 bike helmets for kids and/or adults
  • 10 rechargeable front and rear bike light sets
  • 10 safety vests
  • 10 combination bike locks
  • PLUS in-person support from educators to train or ride with your bus!

Note: preference will be given first to public schools in the City of Pittsburgh. Recipients of the Bike Bus Resource package will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis beginning in March of 2025.

In the foreground are two smiling black children wearing bike helmets and riding bicycles. Behind them are other children riding bikes as well as some adults biking and walking.

“School Buses Run on Gas, Bike Buses Run on Joy.”

Sam Balto – Bike Bus World

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