Federal funding for safer infrastructure is currently on shaky ground, and that’s why it is so important for us to stay showing up.
During the week of March 10, nearly 400 bike advocates from across America came together in Washington, D.C., for the 25th National Bike Summit. Because of the multiple threats to federal funding for bicycling and walking projects happening right now, this was the perfect time and place to make our voices heard.
Things are chaotic in D.C. at the moment as it pertains to the composition of federal departments and agencies and billions of dollars of federal funding. In February, funding for a joint NHTSA/Road to Zero grant was paused only to be put back online two weeks later. On Wednesday of last week we got word that RAISE/BUILD and Safe Streets and Roads for All discretionary grants were halted, both of which our region and city are benefitting from. We also fear that the Transportation Alternatives Program may be on the chopping block in the months to come. TAP is the only federal formula funding that funds local priorities.
Biking and walking groups throughout the country are doing everything we can to make sure our legislators understand what these dollars fund and how these dollars save lives on our streets. But we need your help! We fought and won big for biking over the past two decades and now we need to secure it. Whether it’s a freeze on federal grants or a proposal to siphon funding away from bicycling infrastructure, we’ll need your voice to continue creating a bike friendly Pittsburgh!
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