Bike the Vote 2011 Council District 3: Jason Phillips

Jason Phillips, Pittsburgh City Council District 3


1. Do you use a bicycle in the city? If so, for what purposes (commuting, recreation, errands) and how often?

I do not own a car. Walking and biking are my primary means of transportation, however, in the event of an emergency I am a member of Zipcar. I bike at least 3-5 days of the week for the purposes of commuting, recreation and errands.

2. Have you championed or strongly supported any initiatives that are in line with Bike Pittsburgh’s mission of establishing Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation?


3. Given Pittsburgh’s relatively low rate of car ownership and the recent transit cuts, what specific ideas do you have to make active transportation choices like biking and walking more appealing?

One of the nicest bike riding experiences that I’ve had in a major city was last fall while visiting Columbus, Ohio. I am not a huge fan of what my local friends had called “share arrows”. Columbus was a major city with drivers and bikers living in harmony. I would like to see more programs like this in Pittsburgh.

4. What do you think is the number one risk to walkers and bicyclists both in your district and the city as a whole? What have you done/will you do as an elected official to remedy it?

Distracted drivers are the biggest threat to the safety of walkers and bikers. I would use my position as a City Council member to lobby members of the state legislature to change driving laws the prohibit the use of cellular devices while operating a vehicle.

5. Do you believe safe biking and walking infrastructure enhance a community’s quality of life? (yes or no)


6. Do you believe biking and walking are worth investing in as a city? (yes or no)


7. In what ways can enhanced bicycling and walking facilities and opportunities benefit your district and the city as a whole?

A community that provides recreational facilities and opportunities will always hold a distinct advantage over areas that lack those amenities. Similar to good schools, home buyers often look for green space when shopping for a new home.

8. Do you/Would you work to get more bike/ped safety projects underway in your district? If so, what is/would be your focus?

Yes, I would like to fun future bike safety project as well as investment in our parks by enacting a small sales tax on plastic grocery bags. Not only would this tax be used to help us open doors for project that we can otherwise fund, but this would also encourage shoppers to recycle and not use these bags that so commonly become litter. Much like the program Washington, DC has used to clean up their rivers, I can see this being highly successful in Pittsburgh.

9. Do you have a bicycling story you would like to share with our constituents?

Not a story as much as a suggestion. BUY the BIKE PGH Jersey! Best jersey I own. Every time I wear my BIKE PGH jersey out of town I get tons of complements.

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