Bike the Vote 2011 Council District 5: Josh Wander

Josh Wander, Pittsburgh City Council District 5


1. Do you use a bicycle in the city? If so, for what purposes (commuting, recreation, errands) and how often?

Yes! Mostly recreation.

2. Have you championed or strongly supported any initiatives that are in line with Bike Pittsburgh’s mission of establishing Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation?

I support such initiatives.

3. Given Pittsburgh’s relatively low rate of car ownership and the recent transit cuts, what specific ideas do you have to make active transportation choices like biking and walking more appealing?

I think educating the public as to the advantages to biking will provide them with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.

4. What do you think is the number one risk to walkers and bicyclists both in your district and the city as a whole? What have you done/will you do as an elected official to remedy it?

I am very concerned for the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists (as well as motorcyclists, of which I am licensed). I have been looking at different options for slowing traffic and making pedestrians and bicyclists more visible. Signage is one aspect of the problem, but we need to look at new technologies to slow down traffic across the city.

5. Do you believe safe biking and walking infrastructure enhance a community’s quality of life? (yes or no)


6. Do you believe biking and walking are worth investing in as a city? (yes or no)


7. In what ways can enhanced bicycling and walking facilities and opportunities benefit your district and the city as a whole?

Not only does it save energy (which is increasingly on peoples minds with today’s gas prices!) but, it creates a healthier atmosphere for the entire city.

8. Do you/Would you work to get more bike/ped safety projects underway in your district? If so, what is/would be your focus?

I believe that we have already had a lot of progress on this issue in our district. There is always more that can be done!

9. Do you have a bicycling story you would like to share with our constituents?

I just remember many years ago how distraught I was when my bicycle was stolen! We really need to find ways of protecting these valuable assets, which for many is their only means of transportation.

Thank you for the opportunity to answer your questions and keep up the good work!

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