Car Free Friday Speakers

(In alphabetical order)

 Steven G Bland – CEO – Port Authority

Steve Bland is responsible for overseeing the planning and operation of all services provided by the Port Authority of Allegheny County, including bus, light rail, incline and paratransit operations.

 Scott Bricker –Executive Director – BikePGH

As an everyday bicycle commuter and co-founder of BikePGH Scott is a vocal advocate for cyclists’ rights. He oversees the organization’s efforts in fulfilling its mission of making Pittsburgh increasingly safe accessible and friendly to bicycle transportation.

 Mario C. Browne – Community Health Coordinator – Center for Minority Health – University of Pittsburgh

Mario Browne’s primary responsibilities are community outreach, education and health promotion, and recruitment and retention of minorities in innovative, community-based health promotion projects.

 Brian Bronaugh – President and Executive Creative Director – Mullen Pittsburgh

As President of Mullen Pittsburgh, Brian preserves his creative roots by also serving as Executive Creative Director. For the past 18 years, Brian has been an integral part of the agency’s growth from a successful creative boutique of 11 people and $7 million in billings, to the 50+, $50 million operation it is today. 

 Mike Edwards – CEO – Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

As the PDP’s President and CEO, Michael Edwards administers the Business Improvement District Downtown, advocating for the business and property owners and marketing Downtown as the region’s business and cultural center and the premier location to live, work, shop, dine, play and visit.

Mary Franzen – Member Board of Directors – BikePGH

Mary helped organize the bike pools for Car Free Fridays. In her professional life, she provides marketing and PR services to small businesses. In the rest of her life, Mary spends as much time as possible cycling with her husband and son.

 Stephen Patchen – Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator – City of Pittsburgh

Hired in August 2008, through funding by R.K. Mellon, Steve became the first bicycle/pedestrian coordinator for a Commonwealth municipality.  The Coordinator position is charged with overseeing projects and programs identified in Mayor Ravenstahl’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Initiatives.  The Initiatives outline the bicycle and pedestrian 4E’s: Engineering, Education, Enforcement and Events which are based on the League of American Bicyclist’s Bicycle Friendly Community program.  With the intent of making communities more livable, the 4E’s outline steps and goals aimed at making the City more bikeable and walkable.  Through completion of Mayor Ravenstahl’s initiatives, the City intends to apply for Bicycle Friendly Community Status in 2010.