Protect Pedestrians: Stop Parking on the Sidewalk

Bike Pittsburgh launches awareness campaign on the negative impacts of parking on the sidewalk

We really have to say it – parking on the sidewalk is putting our neighbors in danger and it’s time that we come together and do something about it.

Pittsburghers who walk, use wheelchairs, walkers, push strollers, use grocery carts, jog, and walk dogs are among the many people who depend on sidewalks to safely get where they need to go. Even though it is definitively illegal, drivers seem to be able to park on sidewalks with impunity, and it’s getting worse. This practice creates a hostile environment for those of us who depend on sidewalks. To make matters worse, it destroys sidewalks, making it that much harder to get around, as well as creating a financial burden on property owners.

We’ve announced the launch of a new campaign aimed at raising awareness about the negative impacts of sidewalk parking and encouraging residents to prioritize pedestrian safety.

Sidewalk parking has become a persistent issue in our city, impeding the safe and convenient passage of people who walk and roll, particularly those with mobility challenges, families who use strollers, joggers, children playing, dog walkers, and other vulnerable road users. BikePGH’s campaign seeks to address this problem to foster a more inclusive and pedestrian-friendly environment throughout Pittsburgh.

The “Protect Pedestrians” campaign focuses on educating residents, commuters, and visitors about the importance of keeping sidewalks clear of motor vehicles. By partnering with local organizations and community leaders, BikePGH aims to create a citywide movement that promotes responsible parking practices.

“When a driver chooses to park on the sidewalk, it puts their neighbors in harm’s way,” said Eric Boerer, Advocacy Director of BikePGH. “By addressing the issue of sidewalk parking head-on, we can create a more accessible, walkable, and welcoming city.”

The campaign will employ a multifaceted approach to reach a broad audience, including:

  1. Public Awareness: A visual storytelling campaign utilizing print, online, flyers, and social media to inform the public about the negative impacts of sidewalk parking. Graphics, videos, and personal stories will be shared across platforms to amplify the message and show how the decision to park on the sidewalk puts people in harm’s way.
  2. Community Engagement: BikePGH will collaborate with local community groups to spread the word, distribute flyers, and share campaign graphics. These initiatives will provide practical guidance on responsible parking practices and encourage active participation in the campaign from the community.
  3. Advocacy / Local Leaders: BikePGH will contact city officials, transportation authorities, and relevant stakeholders to use their reach to help discourage this unsafe practice and ensure that sidewalks are reserved for the people who depend on them, namely those who walk and roll.

BikePGH invites individuals, businesses, and organizations who are committed to creating a safer and more accessible Pittsburgh to join the “Protect Pedestrians” campaign. By working together, we can foster a culture of responsible parking and prioritize the well-being of all residents.

Follow @BikePGH on social media to keep up with this campaign.