Map & Routes

The Official Pittsburgh Bike Map 

Pittsburgh can seem like a daunting place to ride a bicycle for a new cyclist or a newcomer to the city, but it shouldn’t be. Our city’s beauty, in many ways, stems from our lack of a traditional street grid, our rivers, and our many hills — three elements that also make riding in the city challenging at times, especially since these geographic components provide most of our neighborhood connections.

The Pittsburgh Bike Map is designed with the bike commuter and urban explorer in mind, in the hopes that folks can learn some safer routes between neighborhoods, as well as explore some new territory. Click here to support free resources like the Pittsburgh Bike Map.

Coming soon: The Official Pittsburgh Bike Map, Version 10 (Anniversary Edition!) 

To be released in May 2025.

We’ve had many wins since our last bike map was produced 3 years ago – including new bike infrastructure on Forbes Ave, Penn Circle in East Liberty, Stanton Ave, a Neighborway between the Chateau Trail and Riverview Park, and an underpass at the 40th St Bridge, to name a few. We have a lot to celebrate, stay tuned!

Features of the Official Pittsburgh Bike Map, Version 9

Since 2019, the City of Pittsburgh has extended the bike network to include the addition of over 20 miles of new bike lanes, Neighborways, and trails; and Healthy Ride has been reborn as POGOH bike share with new stations, and for the first time ever, electric bicycles in their new fleet! The 9th edition of the Pittsburgh Bike Map has tons of exciting updates, including:

  • BRAND NEW on-street bike routes
  • New POGOH stations and information on bike share
  • Tips for using E-Bikes and E-Mobility Devices
  • An expanded map legend
  • Illustrations depicting new types of bike/ped infrastructure
  • Libraries
  • An updated list of bike shops
Download The 9th Edition of the Official Pittsburgh Bike Map (pdf)

Interactive Online Maps and Resources

In addition to all of the information on the print map, the online version contains information about crossing bridges, an expanded notes and landmarks section, and the opportunity to view the routes in terrain and satellite mode. If you want to recommend an edit to the map, please email us. You can download the shape files from the WPRDC site.

Click here to open the interactive  Online Bike Map

Explore Pittsburgh by bike, explore the map. We packed in tons of useful information such as trails, bridge crossings, landmarks, notes, friendly and cautionary routes, bike shops and more!

Trails and Trail Maps

Get a Free BikePGH Map

Regular maps are available for free at all bike shops and various other businesses and breweries around town. See below for a list of some locations:



South Side

Squirrel Hill

Point Breeze/Homewood



Strip District

Highland Park

East Liberty

