Report A Problem

Change is in your hands

Jane Jacobs is famous for noting that people are the “eyes on the street,” the thing that helps create neighborhood bonds and community solidarity. This concept also holds true for making sure things get fixed. We can’t depend solely on the government, or BikePGH for that matter, to make sure problems get addressed.

It’s very important that citizens proactively report issues. Not only does it help inform decision makers on where to focus on larger issues, reporting a pothole, for instance can literally make sure that our fellow bicyclists don’t end up in the hospital.

Below is a breakdown of where to report issues and how to make use of your “eyes on the street.”

If you’re looking for info on what to do in the unfortunate event of a crash, see our In a Crash page.

City of Pittsburgh 311

The City of Pittsburgh’s 311 is the go-to source for reporting issues. No matter what the issue is, report it to 311. Pothole? 311. Dangerous intersection? 311. Faded bike lanes? 311. Chronic enforcement issues like speeding, failing to yield, parking on a sidewalk? 311. Need a street sweeper? 311.  You get the picture.

Not only is 311 great for reporting issues, but it’s a good way to THANK the city for new infrastructure installations. New bike lane? Say thanks.

There are many ways to utilize this resource:

MyBurgh App: Available from iTunes or Google Play, we found this to be the best way to submit issues. Not only does the app automatically geolocate your issue, but it keeps track of your request. Plus, you’ll always know when it’s recycling week.

Dashcam for Your Bike: Use the Dashcam for Your Bike app to record your ride and submit concerns with photo or video to the 311 Response Center.

Text: At any time, you may leave a voice or text message for the 311 Response Center by dialing or texting 412-328-2771

Telephone: All calls to 311 are answered by a live operator from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In the City of Pittsburgh, dial 3-1-1.  Outside of Pittsburgh, call 412-255-2621.

911 Emergency

911 can be used for more than just your “traditional” emergency like a crash. It’s the main line for anything in the City that needs immediate attention.

Some examples of 911 calls include: crash, illegal parking that is creating a dangerous situation, harassment, aggressive and/or impaired driving, blocked sidewalk that is causing pedestrians to enter the street, any enforcement issue that you feel that police should immediately respond to.

Allegheny County

To report a road hazard on an Allegheny County road or bridge, you should call the County Public Works Department call center, 412-350-INFO or try their contact form.


While you should still report things to 311 in the City or 412-350-INFO for County owned assets, if you know that the issue that you have is on a State road or bridge, then you can call 1-800-FIX-ROAD or use PennDOT’s customer concern form.

Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT)

If your issue is with a Pittsburgh Regional Transit vehicle or one of their operators:

Customer Service: 412-442-2000 (TTY: 412-231-7007) Their phone line is staffed by representatives during the following times: Weekdays: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You may also contact Customer Service with complaints, questions, comments or to report great service from PRT employees by using their Feedback webpage.

City of Pittsburgh Police

If you had trouble with or experienced an officer acting discourteously to you, contact the City of Pittsburgh’s Citizens Police Review Board. And of course, if you receive particularly exemplary service from an officer, we encourage you to contact their supervisor to thank them.

Municipalities Outside the City of Pittsburgh

For issues on local streets outside the City of Pittsburgh, you’ll need to contact the relevant municipal government. There are 129 different local governments outside the city proper, and each one is a little different! Your best course of action is to identify the borough or township where you notice an issue using Google Maps, search for their website, and find emails for their council, commissioners, mayor, or administrative staff. Based on our experience, it’s best to contact these people individually or you may never get a reply if multiple recipients wait for someone else to respond first.

Autonomous Vehicle Interaction

Whether positive or negative, we’d love to hear about your experiences with Autonomous Vehicles. Companies are rapidly setting up shop in Pittsburgh to develop and test Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and are using Pittsburgh’s public streets as a testbed. How is it going?

Learn more about Autonomous Vehicles in Pittsburgh by visiting

Become an Advocate!

Move beyond 311 and into action! Be sure to take a look at our newly remodeled advocacy site! On it you’ll find resources on public meetings, how to write letters to public officials, and how to join or start a Neighborhood Bike/Pedestrian Committee.