Advocacy News

Infrastructure Updates

Picture of a person riding their bike around a traffic circle.

Check back here often for the latest updates and action alerts regarding bike and pedestrian related infrastructure projects in the City of Pittsburgh and surrounding municipalities.

Last updated 3/6/25.

Take action to support these upcoming & in-progress projects

> Penn Ave “Right Sizing”– DOMI has proposed reducing the travel lanes on one-way Penn Ave in the Strip District (b/t 31st and 22nd Streets) from two lanes to one, adding a bike lane, and improving conditions for walkers. We love to see it! Please show your support in the “feedback” box towards the bottom of the project’s Engage Page, and sign a petition in support at

S 18th St Corridor Safety Project – The City will identify and implement targeted safety improvements on S 18th St between E Carson St and Monastery Ave to alleviate the safety issues that put this section of S 18th St on the High Injury Network (HIN). Let them know you want bike lanes and more!

Boundary St Enhancement Plan – This well-used connection from Oakland to Panther Hollow and the trails beyond has never felt very safe, and the City is working on a plan to make it better. Share your thoughts on what should change!

West Pittsburgh Mobility Plan – The City is developing a West Pittsburgh Mobility Plan that seeks to identify ways to improve connectivity and accessibility to and within West Pittsburgh neighborhoods. Take the survey!

Hill District Master Plan  The Greater Hill District Master Plan is undergoing an update, and the section on Mobility includes a number of recommendations to improve accessibility and safety for people walking and biking. Take a look and share your thoughts.

Market Square Makeover – Set to break ground this April 2025, the Pittsburgh Planning Commission has given the green light to a new vision for Market Square that combines nature, art, and a strong focus on creating a pedestrian-friendly environment.

And then go enjoy these recently completed projects!

William St Landslide Remediation –  This “if you know you know” route up to Mount Washington is almost done with its glow up, and it looks pretty great. Here are some snowy sneak peek pics from our friend Geoff Lay.

Stanton Ave  DOMI collected post-construction data for Stanton Ave since the new traffic calming and bike lanes went in. It’s working! The percent of drivers speeding has been cut in half, and the median speed is now below the speed limit.

See more of the City of Pittsburgh’s latest projects on Engage PGH.

Archive Of Significant Completed Bike & Pedestrian Projects

Collage of before and after photos of several bike lanes.

Since 2002, we’ve been pushing for ways to reimagine our streets, tirelessly working to make it better and safer for Pittsburghers who bike, walk and roll, while helping bring our city over 100 miles of bike lanes, neighborways and other on-street network markings. Our advocacy has not only changed the physical landscape, but has also changed minds. We’ve come a long way from “Worst City in the US to ride a bike” to where we are now, and we can’t wait to see what the future will bring.

Here is an archive of bike and pedestrian infrastructure improvements we’ve had a hand in making happen.

2024 Projects

Euclid Ave at Station St

Station St at Highland Ave

Penn Circle 2-Way Conversion – It took about a decade, but the Penn Circle 2-Way Conversion Project in East Liberty is complete, with protected bike lanes and intersections in both directions!

Woods Run Asphalt Art Street Mural – Over the course of 2024, we worked with the Carnegie Library Woods Run, DOMI, and AARP to install an asphalt art street mural, and developed a “how to” guide for others who are interested.

Stanton Ave Bike Lanes – New bike lanes and traffic calming measures have been installed along Stanton Ave.

> Lower Greenfield Ave Climbing Lane – A short but helpful uphill bike lane was added on lower Greenfield Ave between the residences of the 300 Block to Kaercher St as part of the Greenfield Ave traffic calming.

2023 Projects

2020 – 2021 Bike Lanes

2017 Bike Lanes

2007 – 2014 Bike Lanes

And we’ve done so much more…

There is no doubt we’ve left a mark on this City. To see the complete list of things we’ve worked on, see our Wins PageHistory Page.