Advocacy News

Check out some of our campaign successes

Image showing 4 different "sliders" of before and after photos of bike lanes.


The very first bike lanes that were the product of our advocacy efforts were installed along Liberty Ave in 2007. Since then, we’ve been pushing for ways to reimagine our streets, tirelessly working for infrastructure to make it better and safer for Pittsburghers who bike, walk and roll.

Picture of someone biking along a two way bike lane on Penn Ave. Over the image are statistics: 66% of Americans want more transportation options so they have the freedom to choose how to get where they need to go. 73% currently feel they have no choice but to drive as much as they do. 57% would like to spend less time in the car.


The City of Pittsburgh passed a Complete Streets Policy in 2016, and we’ve been working with other municipalities in the region to pass similar policies in order to institutionalize biking and walking in decision-making. The most recent was Dormont in June 2023!

Logo for Move Forward PGH showing that text over right pointing arrows in yellow, blue, and green with foot prints and a bike.


MoveForwardPGH was an initiative of the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to implement their new Bike(+) Plan. Through community engagement and a marketing campaign, we working closely with DOMI and POGOH to build support for installing miles of new bike-friendly connections throughout Pittsburgh from 2020 – 2022.

Picture of bikes and a person in the car on the incline.


Transportation is complex, and very few people only use one form of it. Being able to seamlessly transition between a bicycle and our transit service makes for a more bike and transit friendly city. From racks on the front of buses to better access on the T and Inclines to the training of new operators, we’ve been working with the PRT to make biking more welcome on transit and roads

Picture of bikes locked to racks.


We worked with the City of Pittsburgh to pass a progressive “bike parking ordinance,” that not only requires bike parking in new and changed-use buildings, but allows developers to swap out car parking spaces for more bike parking. Our work has led to thousands of new bike parking spaces within the City of Pittsburgh.

And so much more…

There is no doubt we’ve left a mark on this City. To see the complete list of things we’ve worked on, see our History Page. And check out our Advocacy News page for the latest updates on new infrastructure and current efforts.