
Data & Maps

Report: Snapshot of Trends & Statistics

Our latest “Bicycling and Walking in Pittsburgh” report was published in 2022 and provides an overview of progress made and how far we have left to go.

PennDOT Crash Data

From a variety of reports posted on the website, the public can learn about traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries statewide and in specific counties or municipalities. Search capabilities allow the public user to request and view customized crash data reports.

DOMI Map Portal

Explore various maps and data sets compiled by the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility & Infrastructure including local crash data, proposed bike facilities, project plans, and traffic calming.

SWPA Regional Bike & Trail Network

The Southwestern PA Commission (SPC) maintains this map of hiking and biking infrastructure across 10 counties in Southwestern PA. It includes bike share stations, bike racks, and bike repair stations.

Who Owns Your Infrastructure?

Use this map to see what level of government owns any given street in Allegheny County. Whether a street is owned by the city, county, or state determines how to create a strategy for making changes on that street.

Strava Heatmap

Figure out where people are riding, running (and more) in your community with this beautiful heat map that aggregates data from millions of rides people track with the Strava app.

Community Need Map

Use this map to identify which communities in Allegheny County, by census tract, are in higher need of resources and investment based on several factors. This is useful when considering equity in your campaign planning process.

City of Pittsburgh Council Districts

Use this map of City Council Districts to determine who should be the target of your advocacy efforts. Click each district to find a link to more information.

Who’s My RCO?

Use this map to find the “Registered Community Organization” that represents your part of the City.

BikePGH Bike Map

And of course our very own Bike Map! See where the best routes are to ride your bike in and around the city.

And see here for a comprehensive list of useful federal and PA state mapping resources managed by PA WalkWorks.