Volunteer night at the office, Tuesday Oct 6


Come help us get stuff done

We have a bunch of tasks to accomplish, so we’re having another volunteer night at the office.   At 6pm on Tuesday, October 6th, join us for some food, good folks, and good conversation, and help us stuff envelopes and prepare some other materials to be unleashed into the world.

We’ll provide some food and materials, you provide the hands.

Volunteer Night at the BikePGH Office

Tuesday, October 6

6pm – 8 pm

33 Terminal Way, South Side  (off of E Carson St, between 3rd and 5th)

(412) 726-5872

It’s not necessary to RSVP, it would just help us out so we know how much food to get.

Stay Tuned: Monthly Volunteer Night on the Way

We’ll be hosting a regular volunteer night soon.  It’s a great way to help out, earn a membership, and meet other cyclists.  We’ll provide grub.  Details coming soon.

NEW: Volunteer for a Membership

We are proud to announce a new way to become a member of BikePGH.  We are now offering a “work-trade” agreement for a membership by volunteering 10 hours of your time.  This will give you a year-long membership.  You will still need to renew your membership annually, and you can also renew by volunteering.

If you are not on our volunteer list, please take a moment to fill out the Volunteer Application.  It’s the best way to stay connected when volunteer opportunities arise.  Basically, we find out what your interests are, then contact you when we need people.

Not a member of Bike Pittsburgh? Join today! We need you to add your voice! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out: www.bike-pgh.org/membership

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