WESA: City of Bridges Series

3-part series examines funding for Pittsburgh’s bridges with input from BikePGH-member Patrick Miner

hotmetal1Patrick Miner, a BikePGH member, community bike advocate with the Northside Bike/Ped Committee, and Civil Engineer with a local firm , gives insight on Pittsburgh’s bridges on WESA’s three-part series, City of Bridges:  a report that examines the status of Pittsburgh bridges as Pennsylvania Legislation considers funding for transportation infrastructure.

Part 1: In Transportation Funding Debate, Iconic Liberty Bridge a Political Football Liberty Bridge – aired 10/28 – The first report examines the iconic, yet structurally deficient, Liberty Bridge and the struggle to find funding for much-needed improvements.

Part 2: With Fixing The Greenfield Bridge, Funding’s Not The Biggest Problem Greenfield Bridge – aired 10/29- The second segment discusses the reconstruction of the Greenfield Bridge.  The project is already funded, but the year-long project will cut off a major linkage between Oakland and Squirrel Hill/Greenfield.  The current plans for the new Greenfield Bridge include plenty of pedestrian space and new on-street bike markings.

Part 3: A Bridge To Pittsburgh’s Industrial Past – aired on 10/30 – In the final segment, the report discuses the Hot Metal Bridge and successful team-effort from some unconventional partners to bring funding to complete a now-celebrated community asset.

BFEmployerGet help fitting bikes and bikers into the office. BikePGH provides Business Members with a Bicycle Action Plan to help you put in place the culture and amenities needed to support commuting by bike.  Earn recognition on the local and national level. 33 local workplaces are part of this growing community of Pittsburgh businesses.  Your business should be the next in line!

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