Photo: Emily Walley
First OpenStreetsPGH of the year hits record attendance
With more than 20,000 people estimated in attendance at last weekend’s OpenStreetsPGH – a free event connecting Downtown, The Strip, and Lawrenceville with 3.5 miles of car-free streets – Bike Pittsburgh breaks all attendance records from 2015. This represents the first time for OpenStreetsPGH to match the draw of a major sports team in the city: more people were outside celebrating Pittsburgh’s beautiful streets this than were inside Consol Energy Center* for game 1 of the Stanley Cup. We’re are thrilled to be in this exclusive club as a major draw in the City of Pittsburgh.
May was the just the beginning of the 2016 OpenStreetsPGH series with two more events scheduled for the year. Join BikePGH at the next two OpenStreetsPGH events on June 26th in The Strip, Lawrenceville and Downtown and July 31st new route to the Northside and West End.
We would like to thank our sponsors and partner organizations that make OpenStreetsPGH events possible presenting sponsor Highmark, presenting foundation Col
Additional OpenStreetsPGH supporters include: BenterFoundation, The Buhl Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, Red House Communications,AARP, YMCA of Pittsburgh, The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Neighbors in the Strip, Lawrenceville Corporation, Lawrenceville United, Alco Parking, Port Authority of Allegheny County, Busy Beaver, AT&T, Top Gear Bicycle Shop,Pittsburgh Winery, the City of Pittsburgh, and Allegheny County.
Want to support OpenStreetsPGH?
- Volunteer! OpenStreetsPGH was a hell of a good time thanks to all of huge volunteer effort.
- Buy a limited edition T-Shirt! For just $20 support BikePGH and get an OpenStreetsPGH shirt to have for June and July.
We’re feeling honored and privileged to put on these events as part dedicated group of volunteers and organizations. See you at the next OpenStreetsPGH on June 26.
*18,387 is the published attendance for Consol Energy Center hockey games.
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1 Comment
[…] Congressional appropriations process this year without the usual threats to cut its funding. Bike Pittsburgh says its most recent open streets event turned out a record 20,000 people. And Streets.mn […]