Bike Pittsburgh Business Program gets revamped to better benefit Pittsburgh’s Businesses
Bike Pittsburgh has always believed that engaging our community’s businesses is key to making our city better for people who bike. Bike Friendly Employers attract and retain talent, bike friendly retail businesses attract frequent customers, and sponsors help us accomplish big things.
We have been receiving feedback from business supporters over the years, and made the decision to launch a new vision for our Business Program to give greater value to our business partners.
Our Business Program now features three categories:
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Some businesses may find they are suited for one program area, while others may even fit into all three. We work with employers, employees, shops, and eateries to determine their needs so they gain something from BikePGH while improving the state of bicycling in Pittsburgh.
For Current Business Members: If you joined BikePGH as a business member in 2013, this development will not affect your membership status or benefits. We are in the process of touching base with all of our business supporters to talk to you about these changes.
Not a member of BikePGH? Join today! We need you to add your voice! Bike Pittsburgh works to protect cyclist’s rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a safer and more enjoyable place to live and to ride. For more info, check out: