How to lock your bike. The right way!
Love your bike? Lock it right. Doctors agree, getting your bike stolen causes severe sadness, stress, and irritability. Watch our 60-second video above to tips and avoid these symptoms by following the steps below.
Thanks in part to BikePGH’s advocacy, the City of Pittsburgh amended its Zoning Code in 2010 to incentivize the development of more quality bike parking in a more dense urban area. With your generous support we can expand our advocacy that directly makes your life better as a bicyclist and pedestrian. Click here to become a BikePGH member today!
5 steps to keep your bike safe

1. Use a U-lock
You can pick one up for around $25 at any Pittsburgh bike shop. Don’t ever rely on just a cable lock to keep your bike secure; a cheap pair of bolt cutters and snip them in a second.

2. Secure the frame
If possible lock the wheels and the seat too. Your frame is the most expensive part of your bike so make sure to u-lock it to a secure object. Its not that hard to secure the wheels and seat too. Anything not locked can be stolen (lights, bags, air pumps, etc.).

3. Don’t wait too long
Don’t leave your bike in one place for long amounts of time, unless this place is INSIDE your house or office within sight. Unscrupulous eyes may be coveting a bike that’s locked in the same place day after day. Only outside parking available? Park your bike in an area with more pedestrian traffic to deter thieves

4. Lock to a secure object
Signs may be loose. Railings may be broken. Trees may be cut (not to mention repeated locking to trees harms them). Do yourself a favor and double check that what you’re locking to is locked to the ground.

5. I <3 My Bike
Take a picture of the bike & record it’s serial number. Join BikePGH’s free I <3 My Bike Program to join the Pittsburgh database of bikes.
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